This podcast features David & Laura Gibbon talking about their goal to bring high-speed broadband to central PA.
This podcast features David & Laura Gibbon talking about their goal to bring high-speed broadband to central PA.
Our podcast guest today is one of the premier voices in providing well-researched strategic analyses of the communications industry. Jeff Johnston serves as Lead Economist in Communications for CoBank, a national cooperative bank serving vital industries across rural America.
Carol Mattey, founder of Mattey Consulting, also served as deputy chief of the Wireline CompETItion Bureau at the Federal Communications Commission from 2010 to 2017. As our podcast guest today, Carol brings a wealth of experience in communications public policy as a senior executive in the US government, as a consultant and as a lawyer.
This podcast features Tom Cohen, a partner in the law firm of Kelley Drye, who has 40 years of experience in the communications and telecommunications industry sector. Cohen discusses the latest regulartory policies and the role the Fiber Broadband Association plays in Washington.
Our podcast guest today is the Executive Director of the Washington Independent Telecommunications Association (WITA), Betty Buckley, who discusses Fiber-to-the-Barn, i.e. agricultural broadband needs.
Will Mitchell, CEO and co-founder of VETRO FiberMap explains why telecommunication is now moving towards map-based information. He helps us understand how network operators can benefit from intelligent maps.
Podcasts from the floor of the NTCA Rural Broadband Association’s RTIME 2020, featuring leadres from the Alaska Telecom Association and Farmers Telephone Cooperative.