3 Simple Ways GIS Data Can Improve Marketing and Sales - ETI

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July 19, 2016

3 Simple Ways GIS Data Can Improve Marketing and Sales

These days it’s a necessity for any service provider with a physical “service network” to plot it in a GIS-based software to manage it properly,  support it efficiently and to plan for future growth and build-outs.

But did you realize that the GIS system can be a goldmine of information for your marketing and sales team?  Why limit your GIS tools to mapping static lines and attributes throughout your footprint for just one department? That GIS-based software tool can track anything that is location based, including an infinite amount of sales characteristics tied to that geographic location.

So… here are 3 simple ways to use GIS and OSS to track buying trends and other predictive elements that can improve your sales and marketing strategies..

Profile Your Market

To get a better picture (both literally and figuratively) of your subscriber base, plot your connects and disconnects geographically. This will quickly give your sales and marketing team valuable trending data and help devise growth as well as win-back strategies. While you are at it, you can use your billing system to identify your long-term as well as your high ARPU customers. By analyzing this data on a smart map, marketing and sales can target regions for special promos or upsell campaigns.

Segment Your Market

The more knowledge you can gather about your customer base, the better chance you have of reaching them with the right message. Using GIS and OSS, you can group these customers by their commonalities and traits that overlap.  For example, group and map by: area, income, average housing price, VOD count, PPV count, etc.

In addition, heaps of demographic data is available to tag your customers by service level packages, likelihood of upselling to them, whether or not they’ve responded to promotions in the past and how likely they are to recommend you to others for service

Productize Your Market

Or flip your perspective from your customer base to your product offering. Map the locations of your best and worst selling products and packages. You may discover buying trends in certain geographic areas that are not obvious on a flat file. Not only can this impact future sales, but also product development and packaging.

And Finally …

Now that you know your subscribers inside and out, you can create specific plans to reach the most qualified leads for conversion – quickly turning potential customers into actual subscribers.  It’s imperative that your solution has the ability to export contact information to easily launch email or direct marketing campaigns and track conversion rates.

About the Author

ETI Software