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Tag: broadband-communities-summit

Broadband Expansion: Broadband Communities West Summit and Western U.S. Deployment

The following summary has been condensed for length and readability. To listen to the full discussion, click here. This episode is sponsored by ETI Software and VETRO FiberMap. In this episode of The Broadband Bunch, host Brad Hine sits down with Brad Randall, the editor of Broadband Communities and Chair of Broadband Communities West, to […]

Accurate Broadband Data Collection & Mapping

On this edition of The Broadband Bunch, we welcome two members of the Merit Network team, Vice President of Community Engagement, Charlotte Bewersdorff, and Pierrette Renee Widmeyer, Director of Marketing and Communications.

BBC Summit 2020 – Fiber: Building a Gigabit World

On this edition of The Broadband Bunch, we talk the pivot to virtual events due to COVID-19. The Broadband Communities Summit, held next week, will be one of those events. Joining me today to talk about the BBC Summit 2020, the CEO of Broadband Communities, Barbara DeGarmo, along with Vice-President, Publisher and Conference Director for Broadband Communities, Nancy McCain.