Technology vendors and service providers must work together to provide the market with interoperable standards-based networking solutions that leverage existing wired infrastructure, said HomeGrid Forum President Livia Rosu on a panel at a Total Telecom virtual event recently. HomeGrid Forum sees the G.hn standard as an important element in meeting those requirements.
HomeGrid Forum is advocating the recent Broadband Forum technical report TR-419 (fiber access extension over existing copper infrastructure) as the centerpiece of using copper cables to extend fiber-based services into the customer premises.
“Over the past year, we have seen people increasingly rely on internet connectivity, and it is critical that the network infrastructure meets the high levels of demand and [that it is] fully interoperable with an ever-growing number of devices,” said Rosu.
HomeGrid and G.hn
Rosu noted that G.hn technology “allows service providers to accelerate the delivery of gigabit access networks and reduce deployment costs by reusing existing phoneline and coaxial cables. It ensures reliable, fast connectivity through legacy wiring, negating the need to install fiber or new cables all the way to [the end-user] premises.”
G.hn will be used in the rollout of Wi-Fi 6 and this is expected to continue as Wi-Fi standardization evolves further, according to HomeGrid Forum.
G.hn-based access equipment is also key to the global effort to adopt the FTTep (Fiber to the extension point) architecture aimed at accelerating broadband deployment, HomeGrid Forum said in a press release.
To help ensure interoperable G.hn products, HomeGrid Forum recently launched GiGAWire™ Certification, a new certification scheme for G.hn access equipment.
“HomeGrid Forum is dedicated to guaranteeing interoperability across all levels of broadband technology and our certification programs are a key part of this,” Rosu said. “Multivendor interoperability is critical, because while products may be based on the same broadband technology [and] standard, there can be significant differences that can only be identified through a compliance certification program. Interoperability certification creates a seamless customer experience, enables network security and is needed to ensure the broadband industry remains successful and competitive.”