National Tribal Broadband Grant (NTBG) program
This is the first broadband funding IEED has done. They solicited proposals from Indian Tribes for grant funding to hire consultants to perform feasibility studies for deployment or expansion of high-speed internet (broadband) transmitted, variously, through digital subscriber line, cable modem, fiber, wireless, satellite and broadband over power lines.
NTBG is a competitive, discretionary grant program. IEED awarded 23 grants between $40,000 and $50,000. It’s uncertain that this program will repeat itself. The funding program was championed by the Trump administration, so will be determined by the administration that’s in place in the 2021 fiscal year.
Expansion or deployment of high speed internet
Tribal Entities
Amount Available
Contact Website
Contact Information:
Mr. James R. West, National Tribal Broadband Grant (NTBG) Manager, Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development, Room 6049-B, 12220 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, Virginia 20191; telephone: (202) 595-4766; e-mail: